This page is dedicated to you! When you bring in your trophy, email me your field photo, and it can be desplayed here for everyone to see. Before your next hunt be sure to check out the field photo tips for a picture that you can be proud of!
Field Photo Tips:
For the best field photos try to avoid taking pictures when the sun is high in the sky. If at all possible take pictures in the "warm" light of the morning or late afternoon.
Take time to clean up your trophy. Hide or cut out the tongue, use water (if available) and paper towels to clean blood off of the face and visible side of the animal.
Generally the trophy is positioned on its knees, with its legs tucked naturally underneath it.
Also take time to remove plants and tall grass from the area between the animal and the camera, removing anything that might interfere with the photo.
Highlight the trophy, and get close! you and your trophy should take up most of the photos frame. Generally the camera man should be lying on the ground and the hunter should sit beside or behind the animal.
Try to have the hunter's head level with the trophy's head and the horns or antlers skylined.
If you are unable to position the animal where it can be skylined, a good alternative is a dark distant background, especially if you can get some sunlight on the subjects.
Look at other trophy photos and see what you like, but by following these tips, you could have a photo that will provide you with an excellent visual reminder of your hunt!